Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Domesticated Struggle

I solely apologize for the wait for the 5th installment in the Reformed Slut series, but I SWEAR I have a good excuse- My son was sick, I was also sick, and between that and work, I was strapped (more like duct-taped without shaving) balls to the wall with one thing or another. But ALAS! I am back ... quite possibly a little less slutty, but still unashamed of everything. 

My husband will tell you that I am one of the most cluttered and messy, yet cleanest and OCD people he has met, and I am okay with a tornado crazed house every once in a while even though it drives him crazy. In our house, the cleaning is my responsibility along with taking care of our crotch fruit and not going to lie, cleaning is not on the top of my list. 

I'm going to tell you a little story about my last room mate.... 
He was my cousin and I moved in to help him out because his last tenant stiffed him on rent too many times to count, so I was put on the lease and then hell ensued. First off, let me state that he has a zoo in his house and between the lizards and snakes and bugs (breeding cockroaches, mice, and crickets), it had a very distinct smell of bedding and heat lamps on the verge of burning out, but he also never CLEANED. Dishes would sit in the sink for weeks, the cat boxes would never be cleaned (he had 5 cats at one point), and I swear after the 90 gallon turtle tank exploded all over the living room, I thought I was going to die in there. 

I know, I KNOW, why didn't I keep it clean? BECAUSE THERE WAS NO WAY TO KEEP UP WITH EVERYTHING. I would do the tanks and the litter boxes almost every day, but still they would smell within minutes. I would do the dishes almost every night before I went to bed after work, but still by morning there wasn't even a bowl left in the cupboard for cereal in the morning, and for a 30 year old bachelor, I began to realize why this kid had to wait 25 years to lose his V-card and hasn't had anyone since that one woman. 

So when I look around my house today, I realize a basket of folded laundry and some dust on the lamp shades isn't the end of the world and I am okay with picking up my feet and relaxing with my 4 month old. Sometimes the struggle is real to be everything- wife, cook, maid, and mother. Today is one of those days and not going to lie, I chose wife and mother. 

Some of the most creative people's places are cluttered, but I'd eat off my dirty (mopped twice a week) floors whereas my old apartment I was scared to sit on the couch.

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